Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Peter Kuper Prints at Buddha Cat Press

Peter Kuper and Buddha Cat Press are releasing a limited edition print and t-shirt!

Ying Yang is a one color silkscreen to be included in the Evolution Revolution: The Interconnectedness of All Beings exhibition.
Based on a linoleum cut by the artist.
Signed and Numbered.
Edition of 50.
15" x 22" on Stonehenge paper.
$60 plus shipping and handling.

Artist's Statement:
"When I quoted Saul Bellow's line " In an age of madness to be untouched by madness is a form of madness" to my cat, she replied,
I couldn't have agreed more and promptly created this image."
-Peter Kuper

Buy a limited edition t-shirt of Phoenix Cat in addition to your print for only $75! *T-shirts sold individually at $25.


Peter Kuper co-founded of the political zine World War 3 Illustrated and has remained on its editorial board for 30 years.
His illustrations and comics have appeared in Time, The New York Times and MAD where he has illustrated SPY vs. SPY every month since 1997. He has written and illustrated over twenty books including The System and Stop Forgetting To Remember.

Peter has also adapted Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and many of Franz Kafka’s works into comics including an award winning version of The Metamorphosis. Peter lived in Oaxaca, Mexico from July 2006-2008 and his work from that time can be seen in can be seen in his latest book Diario de Oaxaca.
Phoenix Cat design by Peter Kuper.

T-Shirt Sizes

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Evolution/ Revolution Press Release

Evolution/Revolution: The Interconnectedness of All Beings is a collaborative art exhibition and forum between Buddha Cat Pressnine renowned visual artistsSanta Monica Art Studios and SoCiArts Productions. The team has come together to produce a socially conscious exhibition focusing on animal welfare and the environment.
The mission of this project is to use art to open new dialogues and explore human perceptions about nature and the environment, awakening and inviting people to make more conscious decisions about their food, clothing, pet and lifestyle choices. The exhibition also includes a vibrant forum of artists, activists, educators, filmmakers and thinkers, who deal with the subject of animal liberation.

The exhibition is curated by Karen Fiorito and features the work of William Wegman, Robbie Conal, Sue Coe, Gee Vaucher, Peter Kuper, Yuri Shimojo, Emek, Cole Gerst and Karen Fiorito with a video installation byPouya Afshar.
The show runs from February 19 through March 26, 2011 at the Santa Monica Art Studios – Arena 1 Gallery: 3026 Airport Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90405.

Opening Reception: February 19, 2011 5 – 9 PM
Artist Panel: February 20, 2011 3 – 5 PM
Gallery Hours: Wednesday – Sunday 12 – 6 PM 

For more information on the art exhibition and the events please visit:
If you wish to be on our Sponsors' List please Contact us at info@EvolutionRevolutionArt.org

We need your support!
To contribute to our Kickstarter campaign, please go to

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. - Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to Evolution Revolution: The Interconnectedness of All Beings

Evolution/Revolution Interconnectedness of all Beings is a ground breaking, multimedia, educational, socially and environmentally conscious exhibition, which explores various aspects of animal welfare and the environment. Featuring the works of William Wegman, Robbie Conal, Sue Coe, Gee Vaucher, Peter Kuper, Yuri Shimojo, Emek, Cole Gerst and Karen Fiorito.

Our mission is to open new dialogues and explore human perceptions about nature and the environment, awakening and inviting people to make more conscious decisions about their food, clothing, furniture, lifestyle and pets. As artists and visionaries, we feel it is our obligation to bear witness for those beings who have no voice and to contribute to the shift in consciousness which is needed to end pain and suffering for all beings. 

This exhibition will take part in three stages. The first will be a marketing campaign which will include posters and billboards. The second stage is the exhibition, which includes the work of the ten aforementioned artists. The third stage will be different events during the exhibition period which consist of panel discussions among socially conscious philosophers, authors, directors, and thinkers. The production team will publish a catalog that covers all aspects of the project, and the project’s website will be the virtual home of the exhibition. The goal of the artists and the producers is to have the exhibition travel internationally for an extended period of time.